
Buchan area funding

Find out about grants and funding available in the Buchan area:

Buchan Area Committee Grant Scheme 2024

Community groups in the Buchan area are invited to apply for funding towards projects to improve local communities.

Grants of up to £5,000 are available to constituted groups for community projects that can demonstrate wide community benefits.


Round one of applications must be submitted by 26th May 2024.

Round two of applications must be submitted by 18th August 2024.

How to apply

You must discuss your project with the Buchan Development Partnership on 01771 622071 or, before you can submit an application.

Coastal Communities Buchan

The Crown Estate Scotland generates income from a range of marine assets including aquaculture, offshore renewables, moorings, and other coastal activities. The council receives a proportion of this income to distribute annually. A proportion of this funding is distributed by Buchan Area Committee to benefit Buchan coastal communities. Allocations are variable from year to year. Buchan Area Committee has agreed a commissioning strategy to target the distribution of this funding from 2022 to 2027.

Applications of up to £10,000 can be considered. Both capital and revenue projects may be supported. Constituted community organisations are invited to submit an expression of interest for eligible projects in eligible locations.

Please note that while it is expected that Coastal Communities Buchan funding will recur annually, due to the allocation process it is not possible to make multi-year awards. Funding must be claimed within the same financial year it is awarded. Community groups may be awarded funding in successive years in some circumstances, for example if a project has several phases or the group has separate eligible projects.

Eligibility and priorities

The eligible area is based on the Buchan’s coastal zone and includes any settlement which borders this zone. You can view costal zones information in the 2023 Local Development Plan. Settlements within or bordering the coastal zone in Buchan are:

  • Boddam
  • Crimond
  • Cruden Bay
  • Longhaven
  • Peterhead
  • St Combs
  • St Fergus

In line with the council’s Crown Estate Scotland Framework, Buchan Area Committee has prioritised projects:

  1. Supporting the development of active travel routes along, to and from the coastline
  2. Developing the coastal economy and sustainable tourism
  3. Creating or enhancing community, leisure, and recreational facilities
  4. Safeguarding, restoring, or enhancing the coastal environment

Expressions of interest should also indicate how the project supports a relevant priority or priorities within the Buchan Community Plan. Types of eligible expenditure include:

  • Project development costs including feasibility studies, professional or statutory fees, or services that will enable the development of a project in a coastal community
  • Training and development for volunteers (training for staff may also be considered if there is strong justification)
  • Materials and equipment including safety equipment
  • Additional staffing for specific projects or activities
  • Creating, repairing and upgrading of coastal community facilities and amenities including coastal paths and connections to and from the coastal path
  • Creating publications, video or other types of materials or content that specifically support one of the four main criteria

Express your interest

Before submitting an expression of interest please read the Buchan Coastal Communities fund guidance (PDF 375KB) for further detailed information including relevant exclusions.

You may revise and resubmit an expression of interest if your project changes significantly.

No project should start or commit expenditure before receiving and agreeing a formal offer of grant.

Expressions of interest can be submitted for consideration at any time and if approved applicants will be invited to apply for funding as it becomes available. Community groups with eligible projects are encouraged to contact the Buchan Area Manager’s Team to discuss their project in the first instance.

To express your interest please complete the form (available in two formats) and email it to

View the Buchan Costal Communities fund privacy notice (PDF 134KB) to find out what we do with your information. 

Aberdeenshire Charities Trust

Aberdeenshire Charities Trust (ACT2) administers charitable funds in Aberdeenshire and is a registered charity (SC045539). There are designated funds available to the council wards in the Buchan area that can be used for purposes set out by the trust.

View information about charitable trust funds in Buchan:


Individuals that live in any of the areas specified in the trust or who can demonstrate that they have a reasonable connection to these areas can apply for funding. The maximum grant available to individuals is £500.

In addition, companies, associations and other organisations who provide services, projects or facilities in the areas may apply for grants of up to £1,000. 

Applications can only be considered if they meet the purposes detailed in the trust.

Available funds

View funds available as at 31st March 2024.

Our Buchan Area Committee accepts applications for some of the local council wards:

There are no designated Aberdeenshire Charities Trust funds for Ward 6 - Peterhead South and Cruden.

Ward 4 - Central Buchan (Fetterangus, Longside, Maud, Mintlaw, New Deer, New Pitsligo, Strichen and Stuartfield)

Fund purposes Total Fund Revenue Capital
The prevention or relief of poverty £2,187.08 £2,187.08 £0
The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage

Ward 5 - Peterhead North and Rattray (Crimond, St Combs, St Fergus and Peterhead)

Fund purposes Total Fund Revenue Capital
The prevention or relief of poverty £710.75 £710.75 £0
The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage

How to apply

You can apply for funding by completing the appropriate application form, available in two formats:

Send completed applications to the Buchan Area Office.

What happens next

The Buchan Area Committee will review your Aberdeenshire Charities Trust funding application. Find out about how we deal with your application.

Common Good Fund

Common Good Funds are generally made up of property (including land, buildings, investments and movable items) that belonged to the previous burghs of Scotland.

The responsibility for administering these funds now rests with the local authorities throughout Scotland. The council is responsible for administering 17 Common Good Funds. The following fund (estimated annual income from the fund) is available in the Buchan area:  

  • Peterhead  - £21,973.22 (Ward 5 - Peterhead North and Rattray and Ward 6 - Peterhead South and Cruden)

These figures are based on the annual income for 2023/2024.Amounts available in each fund may vary from year to year.

These Common Good Funds, although, held by the council are legally distinct from the council’s other fund. Any money held within these funds, including the income from any assets which make up these funds, are to be used solely for the overall benefit of the people who reside in the area covered by the applicable fund.

Applications are processed in terms of the council’s Common Good Policy (PDF 60KB).

How to apply

You can apply by completing the appropriate application form.  Please make sure you read the guidance in the application pack before completing the form. The pack also includes a model application for information:

Please send completed application forms to the Buchan Area office.

What happens next

Your application will be checked and processed and you will be advised if your application is successful or not.


If you have any questions please contact the Buchan Area Office.