
Model publication scheme

How we take decisions and what we have decided

Information about the decisions we take, how we make decisions, and how we involve others.

Community empowerment 

View information about community empowerment and the policies and procedures that communities can access to submit a participation request or an asset transfer request.

Scheme of governance 

The scheme of governance is a set of documents that describe how the Council makes its decisions, who has the authority to make them, and the rules that are to be followed at council meetings.

Committees meetings

View details of all the committees and sub-committees, their membership and the authority they hold to make decisions.

Equality and diversity

Equality pages include information on our equality duty, impact assessments and other equality reports.

Planning applications

Find out how the council as planning authority determines planning applications including a list of current applications.

Public consultations and engagement

Our public consultations pages explain how we engage with the public including our consultations database.