
Building warrant certifications

If you use a certified building professional, through the recognised certification schemes, a discount can be applied to your fee but no reductions are allowed for DIY elements of the work. If the building work is for a disabled person, you may not have to pay any fee.

The certification system is used by building professionals and tradesmen who are suitably qualified, experienced and approved. The certifications ensure that specified works comply with building regulations. If you use building professionals, you can be eligible for discounted fees

There are two types of certification schemes:

  • Certificates of design
  • Certificates of construction

Members of the certification of design scheme design and issue certification for the structures and/or energy components of your building work; these are usually structural engineers and energy assessors.

Members of the certification of construction scheme undertake work and issue certification for electrical installations such as drainage, heating and plumbing; these are usually electricians and plumbers.

Type of building work Certification Scheme provider
Domestic and non-domestic Certification of design (building structures) SER - Structures scheme member
Domestic Certification of design (section 6 - energy) BRE - Energy scheme member
RIAS - Energy scheme member
Certification of design (section 6 - energy) BRE - Energy scheme member
Domestic and non-domestic Certification of construction (electrical installations to BS 7671)  SELECT - Electrical scheme member
NICEIC - Electrical scheme member
Domestic and non-domestic Certification of construction (drainage, heating and plumbing)  SNIPEF - Drainage, plumbing and heating scheme member

Certification discounts

The calculation of discounts depends on the type of certification.

Certification of design discounts

A warrant fee is discounted where certificates from approved certifiers of design are presented with a warrant application, or before the building warrant is granted:

  • 10 percent (or the fixed levels of discount) for each certificate that covers the whole of any section of the functional standards
  • 1 percent for each certificate covering a single item in any such section, up to a maximum of 5 percent for any one section all subject to a maximum discount of 60 percent of the warrant fee

The discounts apply where a late application for warrant is made, or a late completion certificate submitted, with the discount applied to the whole fee. Discounts also apply to an application for amendment to warrant but only where the increase in the estimated value of works exceeds £5,000. This may be for a different design scheme or, in the case of staged warrants, may involve a new certificate. The discount is on the amendment fee (which will take into account any increased value or work) and not the original fee.

Certification of construction discounts

A warrant fee is also discounted where it is stated at warrant application stage that one or more certificates from an approved certifier of construction will be presented with a completion certificate:

  • 3 percent (or the fixed level) for each certificate covering an approved scheme
  • 20 percent for a single certificate covering the construction of the entire building all subject to a maximum discount of 20 percent

Except when accompanying a late completion certificate, a discount is only applicable where a verifier has been informed of the intention to use the approved certifier of construction at warrant application stage, including late warrant applications.