Building warrant fees and discounts
When you apply for a building warrant you need to cover the costs of dealing with your warrant. The fee is based on the estimated value of the works to be carried out and can be checked against the Aberdeenshire cost index (PDF 71KB).
How to pay
Find out and choose how to pay building warrant fees.
Discounts and exemptions
A discount can be applied if you use a building professional approved by a recognised certification scheme. The discount depends on the type of certification. If your building work is for a disabled person, you may not have to pay any fee. Find out about the exemption for disabled persons.
Table of fees
Fees are going up from 1st April 2025. View briefing notes for more details.
To calculate the fee for your building warrant application, you need an accurate estimate of the total value of the work. The fee depends on the type of application you are making:
- building warrant where work has not started
- conversion or demolition of a building
- amendment or extension of a building warrant
- late application
To further assist with the calculation of the required Building Warrant fee, the Scottish Government have provided a fee calculator.
There are additional charges (PDF 63KB) for copying documentation, carrying out research or letters of comfort.
Building warrant where work has not started
The table lists full warrant fees and discounts when using certificate schemes (certificates of design or certificates of construction). For any certificates covering only part of these sections or schemes contact us for advice.
Value of building work | Warrant fee | Certificate discounts |
Certificate of design Building structures |
Certificate of design Energy |
Certificate of construction Electrical installations |
Certificate of construction Drainage, heating and plumbing |
£0 - £5,000 | £200 | £40 | £40 | £20 | £20 |
£5,001 - £5,500 | £219 | £50 | £50 | £20 | £20 |
£5,501 - £6,000 | £238 | £50 | £50 | £20 | £20 |
£6,001 - £6,500 | £257 | £50 | £50 | £20 | £20 |
£6,501 - £7,000 | £276 | £50 | £50 | £20 | £20 |
£7,001 - £7,500 | £295 | £50 | £50 | £20 | £20 |
£7,501 - £8,000 | £314 | £50 | £50 | £20 | £20 |
£8,001 - £8,500 | £333 | £50 | £50 | £20 | £20 |
£8,501 - £9,000 | £352 | £50 | £50 | £20 | £20 |
£9,001 - £9,500 | £371 | £50 | £50 | £20 | £20 |
£9,501 - £10,000 | £390 | £50 | £50 | £20 | £20 |
£10,001 - £11,000 | £412 | £60 | £60 | £25 | £25 |
£11,001 - £12,000 | £434 | £60 | £60 | £25 | £25 |
£12,001 - £13,000 | £456 | £60 | £60 | £25 | £25 |
£13,001 - £14,000 | £478 | £60 | £60 | £25 | £25 |
£14,001 - £15,000 | £500 | £60 | £60 | £25 | £25 |
£15,001 - £16,000 | £522 | £70 | £70 | £30 | £30 |
£16,001 - £17,000 | £544 | £70 | £70 | £30 | £30 |
£17,001 - £18,000 | £566 | £70 | £70 | £30 | £30 |
£18,001 - £19,000 | £588 | £70 | £70 | £30 | £30 |
£19,001 - £20,000 | £610 | £70 | £70 | £30 | £30 |
£20,001 - £30,000 | £681 | £90 | £90 | £35 | £35 |
£30,001 - £40,000 | £752 | £90 | £90 | £35 | £35 |
£40,001 - £50,000 | £823 | £90 | £90 | £35 | £35 |
£50,001 - £60,000 | £894 | £110 | £110 | £40 | £40 |
£60,001 - £70,000 | £965 | £110 | £110 | £40 | £40 |
£70,001 - £80,000 | £1,036 | £110 | £110 | £40 | £40 |
£80,001 - £90,000 | £1,107 | £110 | £110 | £40 | £40 |
£90,001 - £100,000 | £1,178 | £110 | £110 | £40 | £40 |
£100,001 - £120,000 | £1,295 | £129.50 | £129.50 | £38.85 | £38.85 |
£120,001 - £140,000 | £1,412 | £141.20 | £141.20 | £42.36 | £42.36 |
£140,001 - £160,000 | £1,529 | £152.90 | £152.90 | £45.87 | £45.87 |
£160,001 - £180,000 | £1,646 | £164.60 | £164.60 | £49.38 | £49.38 |
£180,001 - £200,000 | £1,763 | £176.30 | £176.30 | £52.89 | £52.89 |
£200,001 - £220,000 | £1,880 | £188.00 | £188.00 | £56.40 | £56.40 |
£220,001 - £240,000 | £1,997 | £199.70 | £199.70 | £59.91 | £59.91 |
£240,001 - £260,000 | £2,114 | £211.40 | £211.40 | £63.42 | £63.42 |
£260,001 - £280,000 | £2,231 | £223.10 | £223.10 | £66.93 | £66.93 |
£280,001 - £300,000 | £2,348 | £234.80 | £234.80 | £70.44 | £70.44 |
£300,001 - £320,000 | £2,465 | £246.50 | £246.50 | £73.95 | £73.95 |
£320,001 - £340,000 | £2,582 | £258.20 | £258.20 | £77.46 | £77.46 |
£340,001 - £360,000 | £2,699 | £269.90 | £269.90 | £80.97 | £80.97 |
£360,001 - £380,000 | £2,816 | £281.60 | £281.60 | £84.48 | £84.48 |
£380,001 - £400,000 | £2,933 | £293.30 | £293.30 | £87.99 | £87.99 |
£400,001 - £420,000 | £3,050 | £305.00 | £305.00 | £91.50 | £91.50 |
£420,001 - £440,000 | £3,167 | £316.70 | £316.70 | £95.01 | £95.01 |
£440,001 - £460,000 | £3,284 | £328.40 | £328.40 | £98.52 | £98.52 |
£460,001 - £480,000 | £3,401 | £340.10 | £340.10 | £102.03 | £102.03 |
£480,001 - £500,000 | £3,518 | £351.80 | £351.80 | £105.54 | £105.54 |
£500,001 - £550,000 | £3,720 | £372.00 | £372.00 | £111.60 | £111.60 |
£550,001 - £600,000 | £3,922 | £392.20 | £392.20 | £117.66 | £117.66 |
£600,001 - £650,000 | £4,124 | £412.40 | £412.40 | £123.72 | £123.72 |
£650,001 - £700,000 | £4,326 | £432.60 | £432.60 | £129.78 | £129.78 |
£700,001 - £750,000 | £4,528 | £452.80 | £452.80 | £135.84 | £135.84 |
£750,001 - £800,000 | £4,730 | £473.00 | £473.00 | £141.90 | £141.90 |
£800,001 - £850,000 | £4,932 | £493.20 | £493.20 | £147.96 | £147.96 |
£850,001 - £900,000 | £5,134 | £513.40 | £513.40 | £154.02 | £154.02 |
£900,001 - £950,000 | £5,336 | £533.60 | £533.60 | £160.08 | £160.08 |
£950,001 - £1,000,000 | £5,538 | £553.80 | £553.80 | £166.14 | £166.14 |
And for every £100,000 or part thereof, over £1 million |
Add £287 | 10% of fee | 10% of fee | 3% of fee | 3% of fee |
Conversion or demolition of a building
Amendment or extension of a building warrant
Late application
If you apply for a late application for a building warrant, or submit a completion certificate without having previously obtained a building warrant, the fee is increased. The increased fee reflects the additional assessment process to establish whether work that is already underway or completed complies with the plans, specifications and other information provided. We will inspect the work and may have to carry out disruptive surveys to establish what has been constructed.
Application for late building warrant where work is already started | |
Application for a building warrant for the construction of a building or the provision of services, fittings and equipment in connection with a building (whether or not combined with an application for demolition) | Fee is 200% of the value of work fee View the building warrant where work has not started for fee details in the table |
Application for building warrant for demolition only | £250 |
Submission of a completion certificate where no building warrant was obtained | |
Completion certificate for the construction of a building or the provision of services, fittings or equipment (whether or not combined with an application for conversion or for Building Warrant for demolition) | Fee is 300% of the value of work fee View the building warrant where work has not started for fee details in the table |
Application for demolition only, or for conversion only | £400 |
Exemption for disabled persons
No fee is required to alter or extend a dwelling to improve its suitability for use by a disabled occupant. In order to confirm you are eligible for no fee we need one of the following documents to be submitted with your Building Warrant:
- Occupational Therapist letter, ensuring that it provides sufficient evidence of the disability
- Doctor’s letter, ensuring that it provides sufficient evidence of the disability
- Copy of your blue disability badge
- Other evidence can also be considered – please contact us to discuss
You can contact us if you are unsure if your proposed work meets the requirements for disabled occupants.