Roads construction consent
Any person other than a roads authority who wishes to construct a new road or an extension to an existing road must apply for roads construction consent.
These standards for Road Construction Consent and Adoption, along with the accompanying specification, are intended to assist private and public developers in obtaining the necessary authority, which is required before a new road is constructed, in developing the geometric design of road layouts and in deciding on construction details.
Changes to RCC Standards
From the 1st of April 2022, the current standard detail for vehicular footway crossings (SD 11-03a) will be replaced by a new detail shown in drawings SD 11-01 (PDF 634KB) and SD 11-02 (PDF 356KB). The existing SD 11-03a detail can continue to be used until this date however applicants may use the new detail before it becomes mandatory if they wish.
Details on construction consent standards:
- Standards for Road Construction Consent and Adoption Issue C (PDF 1.3MB)
- Specification for Standards for Road Construction Consent and Adoption Issue B (PDF 812KB)
- Interim Amendments 17th September 2018 (PDF 105KB)
- Interim Amendments 6th December 2019 (PDF 119KB)
- Drawings included in Standards
- Non-Standard Details and Departures from Standards
- Summary of Recent Changes (PDF 99KB)
Below are listed construction consent application forms:
- RCC Checklist fillable electronically (DOCX 213KB) - must be submitted with each application (alternatively you can view PDF version of the checklist (PDF 511KB))
- Form of Bond - Construction Consent (PDF 204KB)
- Form CC0 - Notice of Appointment/Change of Agent (PDF 819KB)
- Form CC1 - Roads Construction Consent Application Form (PDF 400KB)
- Form CC2 - Notice for service on owners and occupiers of land fronting, abutting or comprehended in new roads or extension of existing road (docx 48KB)
- Form CC4 - Roads Construction Consent Notification of Works Commencement (PDF 191KB)
- Form CC5 - Roads Construction Consent Application for Reduction in Bond Form (PDF 308KB)
- Form CC6 - Roads Construction Consent Application for Adoption Form (PDF 342KB)
- Form CC7 - no longer used
- Form CC8 - Roads Construction Consent Application for Electrical Connection of Street Lighting (PDF 754KB)
View road developments and consent privacy notices.
Parking standards and surveys
The council publishes a set of parking standards and guidance on the provision of off-street parking. The standards are applied to new or modified developments, which are subject of a planning application. To find out more view our Car parking standards for development control in Aberdeenshire (PDF 199KB) guide.
Parking surveys may be required when a planning application does not provide the required number of parking spaces according to the council's parking standards. For guidance about parking surveys view Parking Survey Procedure – Guidance for developers (PDF 580KB).