
Asbestos disposal

Asbestos is hazardous waste. You can only dispose of it by using certain specialist contractors or, if you are a householder, at one of the council's waste transfer stations. 

Breathing in air containing asbestos fibres can lead to asbestos related diseases, mainly cancers of the lung and chest lining. To avoid the risk of inhaling of asbestos fibres, asbestos and asbestos containing materials (ACMs) must be handled with great care at all times. All forms of asbestos and ACMs can release fibres if disturbed, damaged or inappropriately handled. Please view the HSE asbestos guidance for more details.

Dispose through a specialist contractor

Residents and traders can use specialist asbestos contractors operating in the area. For details of a licenced contractor who can uplift and dispose of asbestos in your area please contact the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).

Please note that some companies only provide an uplift service, whilst others accept asbestos delivered to site. Some may also have a minimum price per tonne in place.

Dispose at a council site: householders only

If you are a householder, we offer an asbestos disposal service. This service is not available for businesses. 

Only cement bonded asbestos is accepted.

Booking is required, any loads of asbestos arriving on site without a booking will be refused.

You should be able to unload your vehicle without the assistance of site staff. If you require help you must bring someone with you, site staff will not assist. 


This is a charged for service with a fee of £443 per tonne (£0.44 per kg).

There is a minimum charge of £20 per load, and payment needs to be made by card at the end of the visit.

Locations and site rules

The service is available at our waste transfer stations. Please view specific site details for opening times, accepted waste and site rules:

How to dispose of asbestos

Before arriving on site:

  • Asbestos must be double-wrapped or double-bagged and taped in heavy duty plastic sheeting of recommended minimum thickness of 1000 gauge, seal with industrial tape - we will not wrap asbestos for you
  • Large pieces should not be broken or cut to fit into plastic bags, but should be double-wrapped and taped in plastic sheeting (minimum thickness of 1000 gauge), and the sheeting wiped clean
  • Do not wrap large quantities at a time, you should be able to lift each package, if you need help bring another person with you
  • Do not transport asbestos with other materials which may puncture bags, rip sheeting
  • Wear gloves when handling asbestos and be aware of protruding nails or bolts

At the waste transfer station:

  • Report to the weighbridge
  • The site staff will undertake a visual inspection of the material being deposited to confirm that it is correctly wrapped and meets the acceptance criteria
  • Should the asbestos not be correctly wrapped, not be of the correct type of asbestos or contain lots of fragment it will be rejected
  • Follow the instructions given by site staff -  this is an operational site with heavy vehicle movements therefore under no circumstances should you enter any operational areas or yards unless accompanied by a member of staff

Depositing your asbestos:

  • Once your load has been checked and approved drive slowly to the location directed by site staff and park as closely to the container as possible
  • Our site staff will put on respiratory protective equipment and gloves
  • The site staff will then unlock the skip and ask you to carefully deposit the asbestos, one package at a time taking care not to damage the wrapping
  • On completion return to the weighbridge to confirm payment amount and make your payment using the chip and pin machine - this is done after you have deposited your asbestos to determine the price

Site rules:

  • You will be accompanied to the appropriate location on site to deposit your asbestos
  • Obey site speed limit of 10MPH
  • Children must stay in vehicles
  • Pedestrians have right of way
  • Do not enter any operational buildings
  • Failure to follow the site rules may lead to refusal from using the site
  • Violence and abuse towards staff or other site users will not be tolerated and may lead to a ban from site and could lead to the Police being notified

Book an asbestos disposal visit

You can make a booking via our online recycling booking system up to 7 days in advance, with bookings closing off at 4pm the day before the visit.

Book a visit

Find out how the booking system works.