
Health and Social Care Strategies, Plans and Reports

Aberdeenshire health and social care partnership logo

The key documents for Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership (AHSCP) and the Integration Joint Board (IJB) are on this web page. They include our organisation and service specific strategies, the plans that direct the services we deliver and our annual performance reports and accounts.

The documents are grouped as follows:


IJB publication scheme

The IJB is legally required to produce and maintain a publications scheme. This sets out the information it publishes and how it can be accessed.

Health and Social Care Integration Scheme

The Health and Social Care Integration Scheme for Aberdeenshire sets out the legal basis for the AHSCP. It is an agreement between Aberdeenshire Council and NHS Grampian to create an IJB. It aims to create an integrated Health and Social Care service, where all individuals work together to achieve the same outcomes, following the same vision, philosophy and principles.

IJB Governance Handbook

The IJB Governance Handbook (PDF 681KB) sets out how the IJB is organised, how decisions are made and how members of the public can participate.

AHSCP and IJB public facing complaints handling procedures

If something goes wrong, or you are dissatisfied with our services, please tell us. The AHSCP complaints procedures explain how to make a complaint. 

Strategies and plans

Strategic Plan 

The Strategic Plan for 2020 to 2025 outlines the key priorities we’ll focus on for Health and Social Care services over the next 5 years and the vision of the AHSCP. It describes how we'll work together to improve the health of local people and provide care and support when needed. The plan has been developed by listening to people living in our communities, our partners and Health and Social Care staff.

The plan is available in different versions:

Watch a short animation video describing the 5 key priorities:

Duration 4:12 minutes

AHSCP Workforce Plan

Our AHSCP Workforce Plan 2022 to 2025 outlines how we will improve and adapt how our staff will meet our Strategic Plan and priorities, while living within our Medium Term Financial Plan targets.

Locality Planning

As all communities have unique characteristics and needs, we use locality profiles to support the planning of Health and Social Care services. These profiles provide information on the demography, public health, and inequalities of each locality and define how we will lead service planning at a locality level.

Through these localities, our teams provide a range of services. These include:

  • care homes
  • community hospitals
  • care at home
  • some GP practices
  • justice social work
  • mental health service
  • learning disability services
  • health services for children such as health visiting and school nursing

Use our interactive map to view building-based health and social care facilities in each area.

We are legally required to define our localities and how we will lead service planning at a locality level by the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014.

We have integrated our approach to locality planning with our community planning partners. Moving forward, we will work with communities and partners to develop a place-based approach that considers the current and future needs of communities when planning services.

View our partners.

Assisted Transport Policy for Adult Social Work services

The ability to access Health and Social Care services by appropriate transport is an essential part of a person's treatment or care pathway. Our Assisted Transport Policy for Adult Social Work services (PDF 158KB) provides a consistent approach to transport for these services. This policy applies to all Adult Social Work services users. You may be eligible for support with transport to and from services, please speak to staff at the service you go to.

Medication Assisted Treatment Standards

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards were introduced by the Scottish Government to help reduce drug related deaths and promote recovery. There are 10 standards to implement to make sure people have the most appropriate access, choice, and support in their drug treatment.

The AHSCP have overall responsibility to make sure these standards are implemented in Aberdeenshire. We are required to provide an update on our progress which is detailed in our latest MAT Standard implementation plan progress report.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

The adult Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019 to 2024 sets out our priorities for mental health and wellbeing for the next 5 years. These priorities have been shaped by the views and opinions of a wide range of people, including those living with mental health problems, unpaid carers our third sector partners and mental health professionals. The strategy is for all adults living in Aberdeenshire who currently access mental health services, as well as those who may need support in the future.

Learning Disability Strategy

Our Learning Disability Strategy: 'Be All You Can Be' sets out our key priorities the next 5 years to make Aberdeenshire is the best possible place for someone living with a learning disability. We want to make sure people with a learning disability will feel well, involved, valued and supported.

The strategy has been produced after extensive discussions with people using our service, their families, learning disability professionals, national organisations and third sector partners.

Our strategy is known as The Big Plan and our action plan is The Big List. The strategy is available in 2 versions:

As part of the strategy, we have created a Market Position Statement: Accommodation for Adults with Learning Disabilities 2020 to 2025 (PDF 643KB). The Statement will help us identify the type, location and service style of the accommodation required to meet the needs of adults with learning disabilities in Aberdeenshire. It is aimed at existing and potential providers of adult learning disabilities care, support and accommodation services.

Dementia Strategy

'Making Connections' is our Dementia Strategy for 2021 to 2030. It outlines how we will meet the commitments set out in Scotland’s National Dementia Strategy locally in Aberdeenshire. The strategy has been developed based on research, learning from earlier projects and talking to people living with dementia, their families and carers, our wider communities, third sector partners and health and social care staff.

Our strategy is available in 3 versions:

Autism Strategy

Our Aberdeenshire Autism Strategy 2023 to 2028 aims to improve autism support and services in Aberdeenshire for all ages. Having listened to and worked with members of the autistic community, the strategy sets out what we want to achieve under seven key themes over the next five years. It is a joint strategy created by Education and Children’s Services and Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership.

View our Aberdeenshire Autism Strategy.

Aberdeenshire Adult Carer Strategy and Carers’ Charter

We have Local Carer Strategies for unpaid adult and young carers in Aberdeenshire. We also have a Carers' Charter for Aberdeenshire which sets out the rights of carers.

Aberdeenshire Violence Against Women and Girls Partnership

The Aberdeenshire Violence Against Women and Girls Partnership (AVAWGP) is a multi-agency partnership committed to preventing and eradicating all forms of violence against women and girls in Aberdeenshire. The AVAWGP supports the Scottish Government’s strategy, Equally Safe, to tackle violence against women and girls across Scotland. The AVAWGP strategy and action plan aim to achieve the priorities of Equally Safe.

View the strategy, action plan and more information about the work of the AVAWGP.


Annual Performance Reports

The annual performance report describes the range of work done throughout the year to support our strategic priorities. These are focused on meeting the needs of people using our services, their families, carers and communities across Aberdeenshire. The report provides the opportunity to recognise the significant progress made towards delivering our vision of Health and Social Care services, as well as highlighting the challenges we face. It also provides details of the AHSCP's performance against national and local performance indicators.

View the current and previous annual performance reports.

Annual Accounts

The Annual Accounts set out the financial position of the IJB for each financial year. They include a management commentary providing an overview of the IJB's performance for the year.

View the IJB's Annual Accounts.

Health and Social Care Equalities

The AHSCP and the Integration Joint Board (IJB) involves groups representing protected characteristics in the planning and delivery of health and social care services and make sure our practices are compliant.

Our new Equality Outcomes for 2020 to 2024 were formally approved by the IJB in June 2020. View the latest progress on these Equality Outcomes.