Waste and recycling service changes - 2019 to 2023 strategy
We are still putting too much recyclable waste into our black non-recyclable bins. Over half of what goes into a typical black bin could be recycled if sorted correctly.
In 2021 Aberdeenshire’s recycling rate was 41.1%, slightly below the Scottish average of 42.7%. Around 70% of the waste we produce in Aberdeenshire is recyclable using the existing recycling services.
Waste strategy
The waste strategy 2019 to 2023 for Aberdeenshire was approved by councillors in January 2019. This is a 5-year strategy that aims to maximise reuse and recycling. In addition to providing more information to residents about what and how to recycle, the strategy also involves changes to the kerbside collection service and the recycling centres.
To develop the strategy, the council consulted the public through the Big Recycling Challenge survey and focus groups were run in February 2018 to get feedback on some of the proposals. A public consultation on the resulting draft waste strategy was carried out in September 2018.
Find out more information about the new strategy:

Kerbside collection changes
To maximise recycling, we changed how often the bins are emptied, and moved to a 3-weekly collection cycle. View kerbside collection changes FAQs (PDF 355KB).
Recycling centre changes
We are increasing the number of materials that can be recycled and providing more opportunities for reuse. Find out more about the recycling centre changes.
Timeline of key service changes
Key dates for service changes:
- 6th April 2019 - New seasonal garden waste recycling points start
- 29th April 2019 - New opening hours at recycling centres (except Alford and Portlethen)
- 3rd June 2019 - Asbestos and tyres no longer accepted for disposal
- 24th June 2019 - Kerbside collection pilot starts in Mintlaw area (PDF 277KB) excluding Northwoods and Sutherland Drive
- July and August 2019 - More staff employed at recycling centres to help households to recycle as much as possible
- 10th September 2019 - Kerbside collection pilots start in Braemar area (PDF 162KB) and Cruden Bay area (PDF 340KB)
- 14th July 2020 - Business waste drop-off service made available at waste transfer stations
- 1st April 2021 – limits for commercial type vehicles and trailers at recycling centres implemented (updated on 1st August 2021)
- 2020 to 2022 - More reuse and recyclable materials collected at recycling centres
- 2023 - Kerbside waste and recycling collection service moves to a 3-weekly cycle with the delivery of an additional 180L bin for recycling
Notification of changes
How we notify you of changes:
- changes to services advertised in advance on the council’s website, via the waste and recycling Facebook page and the myAberdeenshire app, through local media and at recycling centres as appropriate
- changes to kerbside services notified to households by post