
Bin collections

Household bin collections

We operate a weekly kerbside collection service across households. View the food waste and recycling service leaflet (PDF 821KB) for more information.

Please have your bins out no later than 7am on their collection day. Find out more about how to put bins out.

Collection dates

Your bins are collected on the same day of the week, with each bin being collected every 3 weeks: 

  • Blue-lid bin recycling
  • Orange-lid bin recycling
  • Black refuse bin

Food caddy and battery bags are collected weekly.

Check your bin days

If you have the myAberdeenshire app, you can get reminders when your bins are due for collection.

If you have the myAberdeenshire account you can also check your next collection days on the myAberdeenshire dashboard.

Where to get food caddy and battery bags

Find out where you can collect battery and food waste bags, and bin equipment.

What to put in each bin

Here is what you can put in each waste container:  

  • blue-lid bin: paper, card and cardboard only
  • orange-lid bin: metal tins, cans, aerosols and foil, food and drink cartons, plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays
  • black refuse bin: non-recyclable waste only
  • food caddy: tea bags and coffee grounds, out-of-date food including meat and fish, plate scrapings and leftovers, meal preparation waste, compostable food packaging, compostable coffee cups, compostable cutlery

A to Z of waste and recyclable items

We don't collect:

Missed collections

Check if there are any disruptions to bin collections before reporting a missed bin.

If you put your rubbish out correctly and we still didn't empty your bins, please report a missed bin collection.