Budget savings
Budget savings 2025/26
The revenue budget for 2025/26 was debated by councillors on 27th February 2025. View the budget report (PDF 162KB).
As part of preparing the proposed revenue budget, Integrated Impact Assessments (IIAs) were undertaken and those where equality impacts, and socio-economic impacts were identified are available on this page. View summary of IIA outcomes (PDF 497KB).
Business Services
View savings proposals for Business Services:
- Cease 87% Health and Wellbeing App (PDF 153KB)
- Closure of St Leonards, Banff (PDF 215KB)
- Deletion of Modern Apprentice post (PDF 111KB)
- Tackling poverty and inequalities budget savings (PDF 313KB)
- Closure of Gordon House and relocation of staff (PDF 242KB)
- Restructure of Aberdeenshire Support and Advice Team (PDF 84KB)
- Deletion of Development Officer within the Financial Systems Team (PDF 85KB)
- Internal Audit budget saving proposals 2025/26 (PDF 89KB)
- Deletion of GMB Trade Union Representation post (PDF 104KB)
- Renewal of M365 contract and reduction of highest cost licences (PDF 100KB)
- Deletion of Service Manager post (PDF 101KB)
- Non-filling of seconded posts in Customer and Digital Services (PDF 101KB)
- Reduction of Health and Safety Advisor (PDF 102KB)
- Reduction in maintenance of intruder alarms from 6 monthly to annually (PDF 87KB)
- Reduction of registrar posts (PDF 88KB)
- Deletion of Senior Registrar post (PDF 91KB)
- Redesign of Information Governance Structure (PDF 86KB)
- Deletion of Administrator post (PDF 106KB)
- Assumptions around rebates receivable (PDF 87KB)
- Cross service saving: Telephony (PDF 106KB)
- Centralising Occupational Health referrals (PDF 101KB)
- Savings from printing contract (PDF 208KB)
- Capital Plan budget reduction (PDF 557KB)
Education and Children's Services
View savings proposals for Education and Children's Services:
- Move to no standalone libraries within the service (PDF 577KB)
- Removal of 1140 October intake (PDF 203KB)
- Removal of Additional Support Needs (ASN) rate from Funded Provider payments (PDF 137KB)
- Termination of Homestart Garioch contract (PDF 280KB)
- Increase in primary school meal charges (PDF 128KB)
- Change of operating model of "non-core" Live Life Aberdeenshire (LLA) facilities (PDF 121KB)
- LLA venue and asset fixed operating model (PDF 107KB)
- LLA operating structure review (PDF 105KB)
- Price review based on market conditions and budget requirements for LLA fees and charges (PDF 127KB)
- Secondary school devolved budget allocation approach (PDF 97KB)
- Reduction of funding to Parent Councils (PDF 105KB)
- Implementation of efficiency charge against primary devolved school budgets (PDF 107KB)
- Reduction in meals/snacks to Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) settings (PDF 89KB)
- Rollout of ELC support staffing in ELC staffing model (PDF 98KB)
- Changes to ELC delivery model (PDF 199KB)
- Reduction of Excellence and Equity practitioner post (PDF 118KB)
Environment and Infrastructure Services
View savings proposals for Environment and Infrastructure Services:
- Budget saving: Waste collection (bin straps) (PDF 210KB)
- Waste collection (compost bins) (PDF 169KB)
- Winter maintenance: Don't fill grit bins (PDF 169KB)
- Reduction in the Business Gateway Service budget (PDF 201KB)
- Reduction in Economic Development budget for industry sector support and events (PDF 161KB)
- Visit Aberdeenshire reduction in budget support (PDF 174KB)
- Flooding: Stop supplying community sandbag stores (PDF 212KB)
- Emergency response: Cease sandbag provision for flooding (PDF 259KB)
- Reduction in structural and hard landscape maintenance in parks and open spaces (PDF 160KB)
- Stop consultations by the Flooding Team on planning applications (PDF 261KB)
- End night watch provision at Macduff Harbour (PDF 209KB)
- General Fund: Affordable housing staffing budget cut (PDF 510KB)
- Revise repair targets for street lighting outages to a tiered (longer wait period) target based on risk (PDF 224KB)
- Residential street lights switch off (PDF 247KB)
- Building Standards staffing savings (PDF 198KB)
- Replace current genuine manufacture impress stock with non-genuine original manufacturer equivalent stock for use on vehicles over 3 years old and out of warranty (PDF 98KB)
- Road call outs: Attend high risk call outs only (not including winter) (PDF 140KB)
- Deletion of Planning Enforcement Officer post - 0.6 full time equivalent (FTE) (PDF 53KB)
- Voluntary parking charges (PDF 97KB)
- The post of Team Leader (Options) will not be filled (PDF 109KB)
- Stop annual contribution to Dee Catchment Partnership (PDF 90KB)
- Deletion of two Planning Admin posts which is 0.4 full time equivalent (FTE) (PDF 53KB)
- Reduction in providing soft landscaping including biodiversity in parks and open spaces (PDF 158KB)
- Arboricultural works in burial grounds (PDF 100KB)
- Burial grounds structural maintenance savings (PDF 99KB)
- Parks and open spaces arboricultural works savings (PDF 101KB)
- Port Marine Safety Code: End external designated person (PDF 160KB)
- Decommission ice plant (PDF 190KB)
- Remove Partnership Analyst post and part time Community Warden role (PDF 107KB)
- New process for handling roadside ditch arisings (PDF 134KB)
- Introduce a limited programme of traffic reviews (PDF 91KB)
Cross Service
View cross service savings proposals:
- Contract register review (PDF 93KB)
- Non-essential spend review (suppliers under £2,000) excluding school spend, Housing Revenue Account and capital spend (PDF 93KB)
- Reduction/removal of grant budgets (Area Committee, Rural Partnership, Local Community Planning Group) (PDF 447KB)
Housing Revenue Account
View savings proposals for Housing Revenue Account (HRA):
- Cessation of garden maintenance services for Aberdeenshire Council tenants (PDF 141KB)
- Reduction in the number of printed tenant newsletters (PDF 185KB)
- Reduction in minor adaptations budget (PDF 113KB)
- Cessation of issue of printed annual rent statement to Aberdeenshire Council tenants (PDF 174KB)
- Changes to HRA budget: Adjustment to budget for central charges from General Fund to Housing Revenue Account (PDF 91KB)